Bedford Bamberg Association



Tuesday 3 September

Group land on flight from Nuremburg at Stansted 15.55 and will be met by Edward at Arrivals and hopefully join the Expresslines coach by 17.00 for the journey to Bedford, with estimated time of arrival around 18.30 at Mowsbury Park main car park off Wentworth Drive (to be confirmed). Hosts, please check Stansted arrival information before setting out to collect guest[s] although Edward will try to message if long delay.

Wednesday 4 September

Reception with Mayor in the afternoon, then Welcome Party to commence 16.00 at Pavenham Park Golf Club, cost £12 per head for a buffet (free for visitors). Please let Edward know if you are attending and pay Graham.

Thursday 5 September

Coach trip departing Bedford 9.30 for St Albans with visits to the Roman Theatre, Verulamium Museum and Cathedral before departure at 16.30. There are a limited number of free seats available for hosts/members on a first come first served basis at a cost of £30 including entrances, please let Edward know and pay him directly. Precise pick up/drop off location to be advised.

Friday 6 September

Free day.

Saturday 7 September

Coach trip departing Bedford 8.00 for Lincoln with drop off in the Cathedral/Castle area where Red Cuthbert Morris Dancers are expecting to perform during the day. Departure at 17.00. Free seats available to hosts and dancers, four other seats are available at a cost of £25 each (no entrances are included as there are various visiting options available). Precise pick up/drop off location to be advised. Please contact Edward if you wish to go.

Sunday 8 September

Optional day trip by train to London. Details to be determined but Edward may possibly arrange a boat cruise on the Thames or a Red Bus tour and a visit to London's newest Viewing Platform at 22 Bishopsgate, as high as the Shard. Train back to Bedford in the early evening. To avoid possible queues at Bedford station, it may be desirable to buy travelcards in advance.

Monday 9 September

Free day.

Farewell Dinner at Pavenham Park Golf Club to be served from 17.00 so arrive at least 30 minutes before to order and pay for your drinks from the bar and find your table. This will be a 3 course meal followed by coffee and mints. As normal, there will be no charge for the guests and hosts. Members not hosting are more than welcome to join the evening at a cost of £27 including a £2 gratuity. A menu will shortly be provided and I will need your choices at least a week before.

Tuesday 10 September

Coach to leave Bedford (probably Mowsbury Park car park again) 8.30 for Stansted so please ensure that you drop guests off in good time.



We had a very successful trip to Bamberg, where we were joined by Red Cuthbert, a local morris dancing group. Full report to follow.

Report of the trip in the Fränkischer Tag,

the local Bamberg newspaper.



Please see the photo gallery for more photos, including our meeting with the mayor.

JUNE 2023

Summer Supper and Stammtisch

As you know, we are having a Summer Supper on Saturday June 24th, starting from 5pm at Edward & Jo’s house (The Walled Garden, Church Lane, Pavenham, MK43 7PU). A buffet meal will be provided, desserts and drinks; the cost is £15 which can be paid in advance by bank transfer or cash on the evening. In order for the Committee to cater we need to know numbers in good time and would appreciate you letting Margarete know if you can come BY JUNE 16th please:

01234 764295 or

There will also be another Stammtisch – this time on a Wednesday evening from 6pm on August 2nd; again at Brewpoint off the Clapham roundabout.

I hope to see you soon and best wishes


APRIL 2023

Visit to Bamberg, 4-11th September.

Currently 18 members have booked. Edward is considering transfers to Stansted airport for what is now an early morning flight; transfers from Nürnberg airport are being investigated.

There would be a Reception with a new Mayor on Tuesday, with the afternoon free. On Wednesday a trip to Amberg, ca. 1.5 hours from Bamberg is planned with a guided tour. Thursday – a visit to Coburg. Friday to Erlangen by train. Saturday a free day until the Farewell evening at Geisfeld, and Sunday also a free day. It was suggested there might be a Morris Dancing display on the Saturday evening – or some Bedford folk songs. More information to follow.

MARCH 2023

Message from Graham: Tree planting

To commemorate the 45th anniversary in 2022 of the twinning between Bedford and Bamberg, Bamberg City Council has arranged for a tree to be planted on the riverside at The Embankment, Bedford.


The ceremony will take place at 11.00am on Friday 17 March when the tree will be planted by the Mayor of Bedford, Dave Hodgson. The Mayor will explain the background to the tree planting and, on behalf of the BBA, Edward, as Chairman, will also say a few words. It is also possible that a speech from the Oberbürgermeister of Bamberg will be read out.


The location of the ceremony is on the riverside near to Longholme Lake and the boathouse there, near to the Butterfly Bridge.  (Please note that the Butterfly Bridge is currently closed so it would be necessary to use the Suspension Bridge to cross the river).


At the time of the ceremony a schools exchange arrangement will be taking place when pupils from the Clavius Gymnasium in Bamberg will be with pupils at Bedford Modern School. Arrangements are in place for the Bamberg teachers and pupils to be at the ceremony together, perhaps also with Bedford Modern School teachers and pupils.


The ceremony is a public event and naturally all members of BBA are welcome to attend.


If any of those members who are there can film the event on their mobile phones, please let Graham  know as it will be valuable if such a record of the ceremony can be sent to Bamberg.


Kind regards.




Message from Edward: Annual Dinner

Hello Members,

Following some positive feedback, I have booked Pavenham Park Golf Club for our Annual Dinner which has had to be cancelled these past 3 years as a result of covid and so it will be good to hold the event again. This will take place on Sunday 23 April at 5 pm and I have agreed a price of £25 for a 3-course meal with coffee and mints to follow with the menu attached. This represents good value as we are never disappointed with the standard of meal and service there so please join us if you can. At this stage I would ask that you please confirm whether or not you plan to attend - payment will be collected around the time of the AGM at the end of March and then menu choices will be sought. Partners and guests will also be welcome.

It is well over 2 weeks ago since I wrote concerning the September visit to Bamberg. Thanks to those of you who have responded but I do need the rest of you to now let me know your intentions. It is not possible to begin making detailed arrangements until I have a clear idea of how many will be making up our group. You have had enough time to contact your possible hosts and consider if you are able to join the group, so I would be grateful if everyone could now reply.




Message from Edward: September Trip to Bamberg

Hello Members

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you a peaceful New Year. Let us hope that we do not have one as bad as 2022 with all the problems experienced both at home and overseas.

Thanks to Graham and Sharon, I have just discovered that the times of our flights in September have changed, although I am yet to receive any official notification from Ryanair. Still, "c'est la vie" with any form of travel nowadays so not a big surprise. The outward flight FR7632 on Monday 4/9 is now 15.40 to arrive 18.15 so we should be in Bamberg around 20.00 all being well. The return flight FR7633 on Monday 11/9 is now 18.40 to arrive 19.25 so hopefully back in Bedford around 21.00. It means less time on the day of arrival and more on the day of departure, but a good thing is there is no early morning departure.

While there are 8 months to the visit, I need to start sorting out the detail concerning transfers and with Ursula host arrangements and any trips/visits. We are hopeful that the Red Cuthbert Morris Dancers will be making the trip at the same time and so our itinerary will take any possible performances into account. The group always receives a very warm welcome and everyone has a great time, so no reason to expect any difference this time.

Naturally I hope as many members as possible will join the group for the week. If you are planning to fly, if not already done, you do need to get your flight booked asap in case the seats are all sold, but also to obtain the cheapest price available. If you wish to make other travel arrangements, that is fine but please let me know your plans.

Those who have taken part in previous visits, here in Bedford or in Bamberg, may well have hosts already sorted so please confirm that to me. If you are new and require hosting, please let me know so we can try to sort out hosts. Some members have booked hotels in the past and while that is ok, you may need to make your own arrangements to get to and from pick-up places. I accept that one or two of you may wish to join the visit but are not able to host.

It would be very helpful for all members to email me to advise whether or not they plan to join the visit this year, so I can either include or discount you. If you have any queries, please contact me.

Our first event of the year will be a Stammtisch get-together at the Pilgrims in town on Sunday 26 February. Jo and I plan to arrive at 4 pm and it would be good for some of you to join us there.

Then our AGM will take place on Friday evening 31 March.

Our family enjoyed a lovely 3 course meal after Christmas at Pavenham Park Golf Club and everyone seemed to enjoy the Farewell Dinner there last September. So, I believe it will be a good venue for our Annual Dinner around the weekend of 22/23 April but I would like to know the level of interest before making a firm booking.

Best wishes.


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